Midterm Blog- Infographics

The tactic that I have taken the most liking to so far this semester is infographics. Before taking this class I never realized that this was a tool that could be super helpful in the advertising/marketing field. I also didn’t know how simple it was to create one. I had seen these in various places- online on social media, in articles, and around campus. I always had assumed that someone extremely talented with graphics and technology made this, but I was pleasantly surprised to find out that even I could make an infographic, and that it wasn’t difficult or time consuming. I used the website Piktochart. There were so many templates to choose from and a limitless number of graphics and different design features. InfographicTo the left is the example of my infographic that I made for class. I’m really satisfied with how it turned out because I think it looks professional and gets the message across in an eye catching way.

That is the greatest benefit when it comes to infographics. In todays day in age, our attention spans are shorter than ever. Most people don’t want to take the time to read data and statistics. With an infographic, that information can be conveyed in a way that makes it quick and easy for people to scan and absorb, and the visuals make it more appealing. A blog on Search Engine Journal  does a great job of backing up these points as well as making some of their own. The author emphasizes that 90% of the information we remember is based on visual impact. He also discusses how beneficial infographics can be to a brand because it increases awareness and reach, help you connect with your audience better, and get shared more.

In my opinion, I would much rather look at pictures and be given important data and statistics point blank instead of having to read and look through way too many words. I think that by only putting the information that is significant to the audience, it is much more likely to be absorbed. Infographics are a useful tool that I plan on using in future classes as well as later down the road in my career. My goal is to become a sports marketer. Infographics are used all the time in this field. An example  that I like is in comparing Kobe Bryant’s stats from when he wore #8 versus when he wore #24.

Below is a Youtube video to assist with getting acquainted and creating infographics on Piktochart.


Costill, A. (2016, November 23). 6 Benefits of Using Infographics. Retrieved October 12, 2017, from https://www.searchenginejournal.com/6-benefits-using-infographics/70917/


10 thoughts on “Midterm Blog- Infographics

  1. I totally agree with you about infographics! It’s so much better looking at an image rather than reading lots of text. I also had never made an inforgrpahic until this class, so it was pretty cool learning how to do so.


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